We’ve had some unseasonably warm weather this month, but now the cold is really kicking in. Everyday life still goes on – you have to get the kids to school, yourself to work and many of you will have to brave public transport. If it’s not leaves on the line, frozen signals are bound to disrupt your commute at some point in the next month.

So we’d like to suggest that you use the last of the winter months to really take care of yourself. Christmas and New Year aren’t far behind us and rather than diving straight into your hectic schedule, we’d like to encourage you to take this time to rest, recuperate and focus on yourself and what you want to achieve this year.

For the rest of the month, try and carve out 30 minutes out of your day to…

Try a meditation
If you’re really strapped for time, you could download a couple of meditations onto your iPod or smart phone and listen to them on your commute. Many meditations can focus on relieving stress or fear or boosting confidence. So if there’s something you really want to work on this year, see if you can find a guided meditation to help you with it.

Check in with your fitness goals
Try some gentle night time yoga at the end of the day, to help you wind down ready for sleep. Make sure you take your lunch break away from your desk and head out for a run or even a long walk. Sign up for a course of classes – if you have paid in advance, you are much more likely to attend each one. Make sure it’s something you really want to do – don’t sign up for a spinning class you know you’ll hate if you’d rather try Pilates. This is about creating a bright spot in your day. Not another must do!

Download some new music
Whether it’s the latest Taylor Swift album or even the soundtrack from Frozen, music always puts a smile on our faces. Add more music to your day – brighten up your walk to work, your afternoon run or even making dinner. It’s good for the soul!

Don’t put it off
Struggling with niggling pain? Don’t put off treatment because you are too busy – nip things in the bud! Give us a call on 020 8332 6184, email us on info@theforgeclinic.com or book online and take time out of your day to look after yourself.