Have an early night.
You’ll probably struggle to fall asleep if you’re nervous, so having an early night ensures you’ll get enough sleep. Unfortunately, this may mean missing some crucial World Cup games…

Pack your bag the night before.
This goes double if you tend to leave everything to the last minute. Whatever your usual morning routine, try and make sure you have as little to do as possible in the morning. Pack your bag (and double check it!), get out all your clothes and check you’ve got everything you need for breakfast. This way you won’t have to worry about anything on the day.

Check before you travel.
Make sure to check your route and set your alarm accordingly. Be sure to check the day before the event to make sure there aren’t any last minute problems with public transport. Make sure you check on parking too, if you’re planning to drive. We’d also recommend bringing along a buddy to drive you home – you might not fancy it after a big event!

Create a buffer.
When you set your alarm, ensure you leave enough time to account for mishaps. This way, if the milk is off or your favourite running top has a stain, you have time to deal with it without worrying about being late. A buffer will also help if there’s an issue with traffic or transport.

Have some quiet time.
It’s perfectly natural to be nervous, especially if it’s your first event or a particularly big one. Make sure you take some time to yourself to breath, to remember why you signed up and to focus on your goal – whether it be a new PB or just finishing!

And never forget – enjoy it! You didn’t sign up for it to hate every minute!